Flipping the Script on Grief: Children’s Grief Awareness Month

November is not only a time for falling leaves and Thanksgiving; it is also Children’s Grief Awareness Month, a poignant reminder of the importance of acknowledging and supporting grieving children and their families. The profound impact of losing a parent or sibling cannot be understated, and the statistics are alarming. According to the JAG Institute’s 2023 Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model Report, 1 in 12 children, or approximately 6 million children, in the United States will experience the death of a parent or sibling by the age of 18.

In light of these numbers, organizations like Faith Presbyterian Hospice (FPH) are stepping up to raise awareness and offer support. Recognizing the critical need for a shift in perspective, this November marks the launch of the “Flip the Script” campaign by the National Alliance for Children’s Grief (NACG). This initiative aims to challenge traditional expressions of sympathy and provide a more helpful and supportive environment for grieving children and their families.

“Flipping the Script” refers to a shift in perspective or a change in the way a situation is typically handled. In the context of Children’s Grief Awareness Month, it means taking a different approach to how we address grief. The NACG, along with its collaborative partners such as Dougy Center, Eluna, Experience Camps, Judi’s House and others, invites everyone to join the National Movement for Children’s Grief Awareness.

Traditional expressions of sympathy often fall short or can even be hurtful to those experiencing grief. This campaign seeks to identify and challenge these common grief scripts, offering alternative ways to support grieving individuals. By informing, encouraging and fostering a supportive community, “Flip the Script” aims to make a meaningful difference in the lives of grieving children and their families. See the sample scripts below to help you begin to change your approach to discussing grief.

As we recognize Children’s Grief Awareness Day on November 16 and navigate Children’s Grief Awareness Month this entire month, let us collectively “Flip the Script” on grief. Click here to learn more about FPH’s Child Bereavement Programs.